| 1. | We will begin a full - scale marketing campaign very soon , and an ultra - modern show suite for prospective tenants will be unveiled at one ifc in mid 2006 我们将会开展连串宣传活动,包括在今年中于国际金融中心一期设立展销厅。 |
| 2. | Eligible prospective tenants , including waiting list applicants , will soon be offered an option to buy their housing units instead of renting them 合资格的准公屋租户,包括轮候册申请人,不久将可以选择购买而非租住公屋单位。 |
| 3. | We are already in discussions with the prospective tenants , universities and other interested bodies in developing suitable and useful activities to help groom talents at the cyberport 政府现正与一些有意租用数码港的企业大学及其他有此意向的机构磋商,提供合适和有效的措施以培育数码港内的科技人才。 |
| 4. | A caretaker of a residential building was jailed for four months for soliciting and accepting 23 , 375 " tea - money " from a property agent and prospective tenants to handle lease matters . he was ordered to return the bribe money to his employer 一名住宅大厦管理员,向一名地产经纪和多名准租户索取及收受二万三千三百七十五元茶钱,作为处理有关租赁事宜的报酬,被判入狱四个月。 |
| 5. | A former manager of a commercial building was jailed for one year for soliciting and accepting 13 , 000 in bribes from prospective tenants to negotiate a lower rent for them . he was ordered to pay a restitution of 10 , 000 to his former employer 一名商业大厦前经理,向有意租用大厦单位的租客索取及收受一万三千元贿款,作为代他们商议较廉宜租金的报酬,被判入狱一年,另须将一万元归还予其前雇主。 |
| 6. | A show suite for prospective tenants will open in one ifc in mid 2006 . icc will have a state - of - the - art design and intelligent facilities and infrastructure , as well as exceptional spaciousness with floors covering about 35 , 000 square feet and ceilings as high as 3 . 15 metres 环贸广场每层楼面约35 , 000平方尺,净楼底最高达3 . 15米,拥有最先进设计及高智能设施,备有完善的配套设施,全面迎合廿一世纪国际企业需求。 |